Freedom Fries Tote

Freedom Fries Tote
This tote bag was created using repeated vernacular typography from the Internet.
Lettering is fractured and its forms repeated, creating an aggregate field of mutant potatoes.
As part of the exhibition VERNACULAR SPECTACULAR at the Rhode Island School of Design's Gelman Gallery, curated by Graphic Design MFA candidates Cem Eskinazi and Drew Litowitz, WANT WANT presents a series of tote bags printed and manufactured on–demand using commercial iconography and type. Signage elements are isolated from original source photographs. Then Photoshop’s content–aware fill tool is unleashed on the composition’s remaining open space. The algorithm uses visual information in the selection area to generate imagery to occupy the surrounding space. When a large area is loaded with “content–aware fill,” forms repeat and patterns appear.
Lettering and images are fractured and its forms replicated, creating an aggregate field of mutant glyphs and shapes. These surfaces publicize the formal visual language of advertising. Textures derived from commercial graphic form are divorced from their contexts. These small wearable billboards dissect and re–present commercial symbology.
This tote bag was created using repeated vernacular typography from the Internet.
Lettering is fractured and its forms repeated, creating an aggregate field of mutant potatoes.